Board approved minutes from previous meeting and monthly payroll and bills
Approved transportation program evaluation. Recommendations include upgrading buses and school vehicles when possible and continued search for bus drivers
Approved required lead testing plan. Testing is currently in process and will be completed prior to August 1, 2024 deadline.
Superintendent Healy reported on the district’s Annual Performance (APR) that was released this week. District showed slight increase in APR and scored in the top 15-35% of all districts on Math, English, and Science end of year assessments. District received all continuous improvement monitoring points.
1st grade teachers Mrs. Lischer and Mrs. Stull shared about the first semester. New math program Eureka Math2 that is more developmentally appropriate and shared about reading and writing activities.
Elementary principal discussed pre-k screenings to prepare for January 2024 opening, elementary concert was a success, and Title I math purchased take home math learning games with a First Interstate Bank donation.
High school principal discussed data teams, Character Strong program for social-emotional learning, and Mosaic Telehealth grant for services to help reduce barriers families face
Superintendent’s report included a budget update and notification of a $2000 grant from First Interstate Bank to supplement the school’s Title I programs.
Board approved a budget amendment for the 23-24 school year. Updates include pre-k revenue and expenditures, as well as updates for vocational grant expenditures and revenue.
Accepted the resignation of Larry Richardson as custodian.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: January 17, 2024 at 6:00 PM
More information on the meeting and board of education agendas can be found at: https://www.wc.k12.mo.us/boemeetings